Day #1: Tippy Dam Campground

Afternoon of 9/3 – Morning of 9/4 2021

I’ve driven by signs for Tippy Dam Recreation Area multiple times on Highway 55, so I decided to check it out on my way up to Interlochen.

Campsites were pretty close together, but still rustic. I camped at site 25.  A path led down from the campsite to a small lake. You could see the dam in the distance, known as a good fishing spot when in season. There were a few fishing boats on the lake, but not many. I took Moose for a walk along the side of the lake on the steep hilltops. There seems to be a trail here, but not sure it goes very far.

With the sites being somewhat close, you will see and hear your neighbors. Luckily everyone in the immediate vicinity was pretty low key. However a couple sites over there were two dogs that barked constantly into the evening. The owners would try to hush them, but no serious attempt was made. It didn’t take too much away from the atmosphere, I painted and read a little and then made a fire around 6pm. Dinner was pretzels and beer that night.

I woke up, made a quick cup of coffee, and was on my way to my in-laws house in Arcadia, MI for a music and beer festival.


Day #2: Arcadia Minnehaha brewhaha

Afternoon of 9/4 – morning of 9/5

My father & mother-in-law’s house makes a perfect way-point on many of my camping trips. I usually stop by at least once to raid the fridge and make a turkey sandwhich. This trip was no different, except the fact that the trip coincided with the Arcadia Minnehaha Brewhaha. The small town of Arcaida on M22 hosts it yearly and there are local brewery beer tents with live music. It rained most of the morning and early afternoon, but cleared up by the evening.

I tried a beer from Stormcloud, Iron Fish Distillery, New Holland, and Short’s. The morning after, me and Moose went for a walk on the Arcadia Lakeshore. It’s always a quite place to enjoy the beach.

Day #3-4: interlochen State Park

Morning of 9/5 – Evening of 9/6

The drive up to Interlochen State Park was a great taste of Northern Michigan, especially when you get closer to the state park. The forest started to get really dense with older, tall trees.

I stopped at the main entrance and checked in. I was directed to drive down the road about a half mile to the rustic sites. I camped at site 621. The campground is between two lakes, Duck and Green. The rustic loops are on Green Lake with a stairway leading down to the water.

Most of the sites were much more secluded than Tippy Dam, with a nice line of trees separating you from your neighbors. I finished a painting of a cicada in the van while Moose sniffed around. I was able to grab a couple brats and buns from Arcadia and oddly enough, found a really nice cooking stake for hotdogs left behind in the woods. It looked brand new and I’ve since added it to my camping supplies.

That night I made a nice fire, and busted out the Whiskey. The stars were out and all was quiet.

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